The Significance of Retaining Walls

No doubt you’ll have seen many retaining walls in your life, but most likely without realising! What exactly are they? Simply put, retaining walls are a solution to problems presented by sloping land. You’ve probably walked along plenty of paths with retaining...

Choosing a Construction Company

Construction jobs aren’t to be taken lightly! They are a huge undertaking and require the utmost care and professionalism to ensure a successful outcome. Hiring a bad company without doing your research can lead to more problems than it’s worth, wasting everyone’s...

Laying the Groundwork

KDS Construction have been experts in construction for over 70 years. With this experience we’ve expanded and now encompass a huge range of construction services. As with anything in construction, it’s important to get things right from the start. It’s no use building...

All About Bund Walls

A bund wall is a special type of retaining wall, specifically used with the storage of substances that are potentially harmful to the environment/atmosphere. Bund walls can be made to various different specifications, depending on the requirements of the company....